Monday, November 26, 2007

today, i watched the duchess buy a hat.

seems like its been very long since ive written about MY DAY

hahahaha its all random rubbish thrown into paragraphs.

anyyywayyyyy today was an eventful day!

quarelled with my sis twice i have no idea why, but that aside, today i went for dental and training!

woke up earlyyy(its so hard to getup in the morn on a holiday) and went for dental.

we were walking to the bustop(a few metres away) and my sis said to me:
'eh if we're at the junction and you see the bus coming try to act paika(crippled) so the driver will stop for us k!'

and when the busstop was in sight, lo and behold the bus was there. and leaving. -.-

nevermind! at least i got to read my book! (bimbo book but heh) so we sat down and waited and my darling sis realised she forgot to bring her retainers(which i reminded her to). so she walked back and while she was gone another bus came! and left.

so much for planning out the timings properly.
leave home at 10.15 since 10 is too early and 1030 is too late! and we'll take 229 since you're a paika(she likes the new word she learnt)

in the end we left our house area at 11 >:(

anywayyyy. at bedok mrt station we went up the escalator and while going upupup, the train left. (time to read bimbo book again)

then when we reached buona vista, we saw the row of people at the shuttle bus service waiting line walking towards to bus! so we kinda walked faster incase the bus leaves without us but as we were walking, he bus driver signalled to us to stop and wait in line cos that bus' full already. BUMMER. right at me and my sis >:(

so we were late for dental. AGAIN.

but its ok cos dr ong's the world's best doctor who took triple science and C maths in jc. (i cant remember which jc he was in)

next dental in 6 months. i kinda miss dental. ):

after dental which ended around 1plus, i made my way to training! ( which on the way i realised was pushed to 5 cos of rain and the field which was already in a bad enough condition. it didnt need more holes in it. (maybe we can play golf on it one day.)

so i met tammy pris sherlyn cel and hid in school! on the way i asked if they wanted anything and 3 minutes after hanging up, i forgot if they wanted it or not =/ my sis says im stressed. heh.

the school was so empty! i like empty schools. thats why i love camps you see (: its like you live there. YOUR HOUSE. huge house with built in auditoriums, track and field. and of course, the people you love just and arms' length away.

anyway back to today. training was fun (: we did slow motion set pieces which was helpful in a way! then we played a short mini game which was good.

canadian international this wednesday. so what if they're bigger. just push. higher cg, they fall faster. and theyve got more mass to carry when running. speedy gonzalez isnt very big is he.

(: we can we can!

just let me live out this psycho period. im sick of it too.

i think im tired. haha im gna sleep now. gnight world, i hope today was a good day. (;

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