Saturday, November 24, 2007

ice and oil

how i wish we could start anew, start afresh, start like a whole new person. how i wish i could go up to you and say 'hello im carin! caring without the g *winkwink' and know its the start of something new, something beautiful.

how i wish we wouldnt scrutinize our every move, judge our every thought. how i wish there were no expectations, there were no reasons to be mad, only reasons to love.

this all can come true right?

how i wish, everyone wished for this.

match against ngee ann poly today. lost, 4-1. but it was a fantastic game.

i dont know what to think. i really dont. its such a worry, such a letdown.

i dont need another reason for him to not want me. i dont need another obstacle. i dont need another reason to not be able to contribute.

please let nothing be wrong. let me wake up tomorrow and see it all fine and handsome, like it's always been.

im already replaceable enough.

Happy Birthday Ameer! (:

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