Monday, September 3, 2007

LL gave me something to do! quiz quiz everyone's doing this quiz. if only pw surveys were that fun to do.

The person who tagged you is:
WONG LILIN. ya right. Its just LL

your relationship with him:
not long enough to notice she's a he! Ha. k la. She's a crazy bitch.

your 5 impression of LL :
1. she shares my thoughts (:
2. she and nessa together can bring roofs down
3. she thinks she fat
4. really white
5. really fun

The most memorable thing she had done for you:
everything she does is funnyfunny havent really gotten anything especially memorable!

If he/she become your lover,u will:

The most memorable words she had said to you:
haha she's said a lot of nice things to me. Ive got bad memory yknow.

If she becomes your lover ,things she has to improve on will be:
she has to look more like a boy.

If she becomes ur enemy,you will:
find out why

If she becomes your enemy,the reason will be:

The most desired thing you want to do for her now is:
celebrate her birthday with lots of people and brownies.

Your overall impression of her is:
some white chica gas molecule.

How do you think people around you feel about u:
weird. O.O

The characteristics(s) you love yourself is/are:
eating aint a problem (:

On the contrary,the characteristic(s) you hate yourself is/are:
beanpole skinny, so useless on the field RARR

The most ideal person u want to be is:
someone happy who makes people happy

9.LL (I don't care im tagging her back)
10. jasmine

N0.6 having a relationship with? (abel)

Is No. 9 a female or male? (LL)

If No. 7 and 10 together ,will it be a good thing?(timo and jasmine)
HA that'll be funnyyy! Especially when one's in aussie!

How about No. 8 and 5? (cel and maria)
OHMYGOSH. The girls soccer team will kill themselves laughing.

What is No. 2 studying about? (kris)
ChemGeogEcons h1 maths, Alevels driving her cuckoo

when was the last time you chat with No.3? (Rachel)
quite long ago! ):

what kind of music band does No.8 likes? (cel)
emo rock!

No.1 has any siblings? (Roxanne)
uhhuh. One brother who shares the same name and looks like the guy on so you think you can dance. Admit it rox he took part in it.

will you woo No. 3? (Rachel)

How about No.7? (timo)
HA no I dont think so

Is No. 4 single? (fayy)
I think so but abel tells me otherwise!

What's the sirname of No 5? (maria)

What's the name of No. 10? (jasmine)
jasmine chan xuewei

What's the hobby of No. 4? (fayy)

Do No 5 and 9 get along well? (maria and LL)
never met each other. I think they'll love each other though!

Where is No 2 studying at? (kris)

Talk something casually about No 1 (Roxanne)
she's my mojo

Have you tried developing feelings for No. 8? (cel)

Where does N0.9 live at? (LL)
yio chu kang? But she's moving to pasir ris EAST SIDE!

Are No. 5 and 1 best friends? (maria and Roxanne)
haha no. but I bet they'll love each other too!

Does No.7 like No.2? (timo and kris)
never met

How do you get to know N0. 2? (kris)
dumb luck >:( HA. We're sisters dammit

Does No. 1 have any pets? (roxanne)
does ballet count?

Is No. 6 the sexiest person in the world?(abel)
1.A random guy/girl comes up to you and says 'hey babe' you say:

2.What was the last thing you put into your mouth?
my tongue

3.what does your last received text msg says?
"Haha. gan. Oh no carin im running a fever and im bound to my bed. Promos die."From fayfoo mygosh she's damn funny la.

4.The last song u listened to?
youve got a friend in me from toy story

5.What's irritating you this moment?
not being able to sleepover >:(

6.where is the rest of your family right now?
dads in china, bro's in his room, mum's in her room, sis in her room, beth walking miko, miko with beth.

7.what did you do ytd?
I think I slept, ate, studied a little, slept.

8.pick a scar on your body,how'd you get it?
on my left palm. Stabbed a fountain pen through it when I was a baby. Ooooooo painful. I don't remember actually.

9.what do you want to do when you get out of college?
get into uni

10.How old is your mum?
50, but I swear she's lying. She's younger than me

11.are you signed onto msn
appearing offline

14.who's your most religious friend?
don't really have many reallyreally religious ones, they're all nicely faithful that kinda thing

15.If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
carine. Makes pronouncing it so much easier don't you think!

16.what's the best compliment someone had given u?
I love carin (:

17.What u hate most about your school.
ask this to all the sajc-ians and they'll most probably flood you. So many things to not like!

18.miss someone?
yea, kinda.

19.last time u took a plane?
last year December.

20.How many times u log into myspace?

21.last profile u went to?

22.whats the first thing you would do with five million bucks?
TAKE IT. you like this survey so far?
HA this is sucha useless question!

24.who's the 4th person on your featured friends,and why?
fay cos I thought of her when I was typing it would you react if number 3,6 and 8 of ur top friends suddenly hates you.?
daaamn I wouldn't want abel hating me. he'll kill my whole family at night! thing you'll spend money on?

27.what's one toy you rmb having in the 90s?
40+ barbie dolls with my sis ohmygosh so freaky.

28.If you had a son what would you name him.?
brad. I think.

29. Look through the nearest window. What do you see?
the reflection of my own house. Its dark outside and bright inside!

30.Which of your friends do you argue with most?
No idea

31.What's your dream job?
opening a cake/icecream/ funky shop which earns damn alot of money!

32.Who's the last person that you felt was stalking you?
ha! good question.

33.If you could have any car, what would it be?
topless(but still nicely roofed) lexus. If it even exists!

34.What's your favourite breakfast?
I like breakfast! Any kind of breakfast really. As long as im in the mood to eat. Early breakfasts don't go well with my stomach.

35.How do you like your eggs?
mashed with mayo and pepper (:

36.How about a tattoo?
soon soon!

37.What mood are you in?
I wanna go out and study at starbucks soon.

38.What's a movie you want to see in the theatres?
SO MANY OHMYGOSH. Simpsons hairspray ratatouille and all the old ones I didn't manage to watch.

39.If you had to live somewhere else, where would it be?
in a 2 storey cabin with electricity beside a lake in a forest with no bears/tigers/snakes/jaguars/crocodiles/sharks/bees/hornets/mosquitoes(you get my point) and lots of grass plains.

40.What's the last four numbers of your phone number?

41.How many hours did you sleep for last night?
1plus to.....9. you do the math. I slept 17 hours two nights ago! HA. please dont call me a pig.

42.Where will your next car ride be to?
the train station back to school I think! If not itll be to bedok central for grocery shopping this weekend (:

43.If you could live in any TV show?
HARYY POTTER. I don't care, it's a tv show when they show it on tv.

44.What video game do you play most?
are neopets video games

45.What are you wearing right now?
shorts shirt unmentionables. In short, pyjamas.

killed half my brain cells contemplating if i should go for selftraining this morning.

mummy made the decision easier by giving me a crappy answer.

so tell me again why i hate sarcasm.

got so pissed, locked myself in the room and studied all the way till dinner. (i called her at 12plus). didnt wanna come out for dinner, didnt wanna speak to her, didnt want to argue with her. but yet, doing those stuff's an outright argument already.

the last thing i want is to make her cry. yet the things i really feel like telling her/showing her will definitely make her cry.

shuttup, just shuttup shuttup. how apt.

sat beside her while she ate(ate before her), went up to come online while she's still eating, and about five minutes later she goes 'carin back already?'

tell me its old age creeping up on her please.

back to studying. ive got loads to do. >:(

secondary school feels like the best time of my life now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU HATE ME! I swear you hate me! Why is my name not up there!? LOL! I'm just kidding. I SO MISS YOU AND ROXANNE.

So original eh, your blog address. =D