Wednesday, September 12, 2007


so tiring. ):

school's tiring me out, especially this week, for some warped reason.

i dont remember being this drained the whole year.

im worried. like scared shit. working ust as hard as i did for common test, perhaps even harder, and im not improving. even if i am, its by such an insignificant amount. im not going to be able to promote if i dont improve, fast.

everyone's talking about promoting promoting, retaining retaining. its scary, it really is.

rarr lets just hope everything goes well.

had self training today. it was quite unproductive because little miss forgetful forgot to bring her damn boots. dammit. didnt get to kick anything on the field cos of that. plus, my shin and feet are giving me headaches. its affecting me >:(

i dont know where this is going, really. all that im doing now.

deb says 'you should go on an all carb diet!'

maybe i will (:

things are looking up. mummy needs to lose her tummy. im press her to go to the gym. she asks which gym, i said im not sure, so she says temasek club's gym.

temasek club.. i liiiiiiiiiiiiiike. alot. pools and gym, all together. terrific i say =D

now all i gotta do is get a swimsuit. RARR. why dont they sell nice swimsuits anymore! people dont wear bikinis to swim yknow.

im loving life im loving life im loving life. yeppa i am. yup i am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

protein! not carb!