Sunday, April 27, 2008

jonathan gan cant crack eggs, puts cheese in his maggie mee

and has the cheek to laugh at me for LOOKING like i cannot do housework.


alfie soEN saw ameer and even played soccer with him

1. i cant believe he recognises him
2. i cant believe he plays soccer

alfie says:ermm no la
alfie says:i only go jog around the field with a ball was field soccer?!

the conversations just keep getting funnier and funnier.

if i had allll the time and money in the world, the thing i'd most want to do for someone in my life is....

tell them how i got all the time and money in the world! :D

today was unproductive in the literal meaning but quite productive if productive was given a deeper more undefined meaning. yea baby.
dont bother coming cos shes not gna be there


greg just told me pogo came back thank god.

i hate it when pets run away its dropping something in an ocean its there but you dont know where

and what if it gets run down by stupid drivers ):

talking bout dogs, today beth was out, when i woke up the house seemed empty(i found out later my brother was in his room) so i took miko on a leash and.........................let him sleep on the couch beside me while i ate and watched teevee

hahaha no i didnt bring him for a walk. on second thought i shouldve right

at least i'll get some exercise

very blessed

to have met very special people everywhere i go.

so..friday was bring your mum around the school day and it didnt go as badly as i thought it would

carin never liked this school from the start
yes its my first time here i never liked coming to school to meet teachers
i dont interfere with my daughter's studies

and she came out the room neither smiling nor frowning. but as she walked and told me bout it she broke out in a grin.

or was it just my imagination

im still not happy i didnt get to hear the entire conversation and whatever onesided stories she told my mum but its all good, at least im not grounded or shitzs like that

we all arent the happiest people around, and just yesterday one love was telling me how it'll be good to have someone to talk to so even if nothing was going well you could sit down there and talk to her about something else to get your mind off the bad and bring in the good and happy

and i totally agree

hearing that was bittersweet for both me and her

labour day's roxanne day, im counting down to the very last second

i wish i wish i wish there was nothing called a wish

Friday, April 25, 2008

my sis decided to paint my nails! so she painted my left foot

then her boyfriend called AND SHE LEFT IT LIKE THAT

im gna paint her toenails tonight, each a hidoues mix of colours RARR

Sunday, April 20, 2008

and i...

im too lazy to argue, too lazy to think about who you are what kind of person youre trying to be and why you act like that

talk about hot and cold gives you stomachaches.

its giving me gastricitis

youre catching me at all the wrong times

Saturday, April 19, 2008

from the back of your big brown eyes
i knew you'd be gone as soon as you could
and i hoped you would
we could see that you weren't yourself
and the lines on your face did tell
it's just as well
you'd never be yourself again

how pessimistic and demoralising.

im having an overload of sound in my house. sis playing the piano, brother watching soccer and me playing music. all i need now is my mum's shouting to make things complete

if you're not gna try to contain your anger i dont see why i should. but i would, if not ill end up like you.

first game, not so good, but every game we play has its value somewhere or another. 1 down, a few more to go. cherish it saints

Friday, April 18, 2008

welcome back old friend

its here, once again.

no regrets, together my love.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

what a hectic weekend. one of the best so far but im sure i cant keep up with sucha life.

i always feel like doing some work after having fun (:

lets hope this week's a good one!

i think we're running away and i love it.

c for pw, has got to suck but tis fine. it just didnt make me happy. didnt say it made me sad though. but not being happy about it kinda equals to being sad, right? ohwell aahaha

soccer, soccer team, soccer, soccer team, soccer, soccer team, soccer, soccer team, soccer, soccer team, soccer, soccer team, soccer, soccer team, soccer, soccer team, soccer, soccer team, soccer, soccer team, study.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

today's training was a little better. lets hope i go for trainings with vigour again.

no no, im not gna have any regrets.

met faris and wendy today after the rugby match(which deb siyi gwen and cabbed to school to miss) and it felt good talking to both of them (: even though wendy was in a rush and i wasnt feeling very rsuhy rushy wendy i hope you didnt miss your teevee show! hahaha ill see you around in school love

talked to ameer last night about totally random stuff cos he was having so much fun at the chalet. i have enlightened him hahaha

mygosh so pretty.

sometimes, people's actions just dont entirely reflect what they're feeling, yknow?

im not gna stand around just to make you guys talk in hushed whispers or give each other the 'ill tell you later' look. i might as well walk away and let you continue your conversation right? doesnt make me love you any less though. i believe everyone's got their own lives, and i stick to that. <3

went for desert with tammy and qin on monday and tammy told me 'feels like i havent spoken to you for damn long' . so true.

i havent spoken to myself for really long too



lionel told my sis they were practising how to use a hand grenade and his friend happily threw the grenade and said

'Pokemon! i chose you!'

and landed his ass in the detention barracks


but that isnt the funny part(according to my sis). this funny part's in the db, when some roomie goes 'eh, so..why're you here?'

poor guy.

AND, the ns people had to do a skit and one group did one on guy's pick up lines and the girl's rejections.

from her blog:
on guys' pick-up lines and girls' rejections.

guy: "hi, i'm bond. james bond."
girl: "hi, i'm lost. get lost."

but the funniest to me was the one where the guy went,

"hi, im an mrt and i'm here to...
pick you up!"


sometimes i think jokes should stop there,
but apparently there's the rejection line, which is,

"when's the next train?"

which i dont think adds more funny-ness to the line.

i'm here to pick you up!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

ive got many reasons but none stronger than the fear of regret

you're not seeing what i want you to see.

you look in my eyes and you learn, you see more than you wanted to. but you. you look in my eyes and see what you want to see, what you created, and ideal.


Sunday, April 6, 2008

hey you welcome to life

i could see it, that light in your eyes, and you have no idea what warmth it brought me. i could feel my heart breaking out in a smile that only radiated from within

Saturday, April 5, 2008

im back (:

but the funny thing is, tonight when i walked through the door it felt just like any other day.

i wonder if my mum/sis wouldve noticed if i didnt tell them i had a camp.

even miko felt normal no waggywaggy tail and licking my face

just read my sister's blog. it never rains it pours(just like today), but there's always a way to be happy, you just gotta want to, you gotta believe in it

and she said something about cheating on your other half and i remembered i took a test about how much you'd cheat on your partner and i got 100% which was freaky

and totally untrue.

Post's cranberry almond crunch is awesome its like blueberry morning

ok about the camp!

it was.....different. i felt independent. there werent any 'ohmygosh lets go do someting crazy at night just because.' kind of moments(though we slept at the gallery), there werent any i-wanna-talk-through-the-night feeling anymore, and there wasnt as much fun and laughter as ive had but it was an experience. maybe this is what happens when youve grown up, even just a little bit.

went fort canning to geo-trek(WE REALLY TREKKED DIDNT WE HUH) it was damn fun the map's so misleading i thought we'd have to run our lungs out to complete it in two hours but we managed to happily stroll, climb 'hills' and battle monster ants heh.

the number game was fun too

soccer in the rain(though only 15 minutes) made me happy inside(cos of the rain)

but this camp's a success, i feel. now i really understand the j1s better, they're so much more a part of me now than before. i just hope they feel the same, i hope it stays this way.

i hope you know im here for you, i hope you know there's more in life to smile at, i hope you know the surface speaks lies and that every moment of sadness is temporary

i know i was just thrown somewhere, somewhere else, because the original's not for me, its saved for someone better. but its fine, it really is. hurts, but its fine because i know my place.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

what's our connection based on?

love? trust? sorrow? dependency? habit?

at least the fragility of glass can be put into words with logical explanations. what about this?

if you can picture a grey cloud, a grey blur, a grey sheet over vibrant colours, then you can picture my mind.

is there a difference between giving up and defeat

being backstage isnt that bad now