Saturday, February 2, 2008

love is blind

and blinding it is too. too many a time has this happened. a couple quarrels, one says lets break up its for the best. whose best? A's? B's?

think about it please?

i hate it, absolutely loathe it when i see my friends in obvious trouble but there's nothing i can do no way i can reach out. a touch on the hand which doesnt lead to the heart means nothing, you see?

match against queensway today. got subbed in in second half, im just glad i got to play. end score?

4-3. we won. (: finally. feels good to win a friendly.

we're gna win more you hear me? there's so much we can do. what's stopping us?

not looking forward to monday's training. i do not fucking run like paris hilton that comment was effing unnecessary and ridiculous. wtf

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