Friday, February 15, 2008

and you had a fcuking bad day

woke up angry with my maid because im quite tired of her waking me up by keeping silent and poking me(it doesnt really work i just fall in and out on sleep its even more bloody tiring)

coming to school and having to listen to the ringing sound of (quite) a(few) call(s) which havent been picked up by the other party, having to wander around the school, deciding to seek refuge in the toilet and face check for a while in the mean time only to find another girl who decides to hog the mirror silence in the toilet between two strangers isnt very nice so i had to go back out almost immediately bloodyf

then going for gp and fucking failing while everyone else does well what in the world were the examiners thinking when they marked my olevel script oo nice handwriting lets give her alot of marks for that then going for maths and getting the lowest in class doesnt help im not doing well for chem either and sitting down there just having thoughts raging through my mind pleading for me to push it away and trample on them mentally and not showing any signs of doing it physically on my face was just something im getting sick of recently

then going for a break and finding out from whitespecsboy lyndon i mean mr chua found my blog and published it on the class blog which immediately made it famous how dare he publish it this it is none of your business you have no right to do that to publish it and make mockery of it i know its on the internet which isnt the most private thing but this is mine. my personal belonging and i have the damn right to be angry at you for publicly announcing that i have done wrong in this blog when i have not. how dare you.

practically ruined my day i dont even want to think of what is going to happen in the future but its alright i dont want to kill braincells and waste precious potentially happy seconds on that childish issue.

after that was bio tutorial it was one of the better tutorials but somehow i feel like i have no recollection of any new knowledge its so useless to go for a tutorial learn something ad forget it in just about six hours

after that was supposed to be chinese had a mind of skipping it but met laoshi on the way to getting the ball from jo and she pissed me off again i dont know there's just something about the things she say that make me feel so frustrated so driven into a corner i try not to think its unreasonable but somehow all my arguments with myself lead to that word i skipped it in the end anyway i had no mood to tolerate useless lessons again

studied for chem spa i forgot to write one of the more important sources of error and im angry at myself for that at least i managed to finish it it was one of the better spas ive taken

macs after that wanted a prosperity meal to cheer me up but alas the beef one was not available so we had chicken but it was bad i wouldnt eat it again it tasted like salty and chewy cardboard. mum called asked if i wanted a lift home but i was only threequarts done with fay so i said no but regretted after that because i couldve asked her to wait for about fifteen minutes that'd have saved me about 45 minutes travelling time i hate it when im close to getting a lift but not be able to the journey's mentally tiring

oh and not to forget(which i just did)looking through friendster profiles of your old sec sch best buddies which you worked so hard to keep despite all the sadness and disappointing news only to find out all that was for naught and to them you are just some insignificant soul who had never really mattered because they lose contact with you the moment you are out of their sight for more than three days how wonderful is that cny hopping was fun i was thinking about it during this years cny i thought no one organised it i thought it just didnt go on

i never thought it did, just without me, and wendy, and yinhui. i really dont like you guys, what kind of friends are these.

now i feel like stuffing myself with chocolates and green tea because green tea calms the mind and chocolates make you think youre happy

unconfirmed game tomorrow then its manu vs arsenal my weekend's burnt already i dont know what else to do

theres just so damn little time to catch up with school soccer friends and even myself i feel like my soul's left behind somewhere only i dont know

bloody hell

i wonder if anyone really read that whole lot of fucktrash i dont feel like moving anymore


Charu Malik said...

i read the whole thing and it wasn't fucktrash to me.

i think you need a friend and a very yummy kayabuttertoast for breakfast on monday.
so it's a date?

Anonymous said...

Dearest, why didn't you tell me when I saw you yesterday ?! Anyhow, there are times everyone feels screwed up not only you. I'll always be here to give you warm hugs kay ! Love (: