Wednesday, October 10, 2007

with news that our whole class failed bio structured, when about 70% of the paper's my atrocious essay which ive got a strong feeling i'll get a single digit for......the future looks BLEAK.

cel's worried for the team IM WORRIED FOR MEEE! >:(

this is like graduation ): its as though next year itll be a whole different class.and you dont know if you'll be in it.

k recap of promos.

CHINESE was as usual..but my as usual was never really B material, much less an A
CHEM was really bad! organic chem was absolutely blank(guessed all of em)
ECONS was the slackest paper ive ever taken. its worrying me. how can someone take the paper so lightly. i highly doubt i'd do well cos looking at the effort i put in, rarr.
BIO i thought was doable but guess i was quite wrong. FAILED STRUCTURED, average of 60% for mcq for my class, and a horribly done essay, what can i expect!?
MATHS, we just haerd from mr toh..18 upon 50. how wonderful

now anyone brave enough to step up and scream I WILL PROMOTE in my face and bloody mean it?

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