Thursday, October 4, 2007

growing up: never really knew how to

now fayanne wont be bothered by furry eyebrows HAHAHA.

havoc day. wrong shoes no socks late for school kinda late for exam anyhowly did exam climbed school gate towned in uniform(minus the ohsoattractive tie) pierced my ears BOTH my ears

FUN. what an after-promos-day (((:

roxanne is MIAing and me no likey ):

uncle dab sent a poem which ive heard long ago and still kinda remember! ah memories!

oh and times bookshop remember which building) is selling the books i've been looking for! will get them soon. or..will get my mum to come with me to get them soon. cash is a problem yknow.

when i grow up, i want to be able to buy anything i want. of course, not always extravagant things, but still, things i want.

im hungry! time for benandjerrys (:

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