Friday, August 29, 2008

the secret's out. (and alot,alotalotlalotaloatlatlatatoatalta of photos)

so, what have i been up to these days? whats on my mind in lectures/class/morning assembly nowadays, whats up with all the disappearing on wednesdays sats and sometimes sundays to kallang? here it is, at long last (:

Ballroom(tnago and jive so far) lessons at Dancesport de Allan with a great bunch of people, mostly from NUS(yes the university) since its their NUS social and ballroom dancing club.

awesome prata just below the studio!

my girls (:


last day of tango and jive classes was also 'red and black day'.


helping out at The Merlion Dancesport International Competition at Orchid Country Club. it was amazing. ive never seen a ballroom. plus this time i get to see the most amazing dancers in the world. see that guy in the middle? he's one of the judges(thai) and

look at those dancers. they're standard dancers(tango, foxtrot, waltz, quickstep and viennese waltz i think), you can tell from the long flowy gowns, yknow like those you see on tv. but ten times better.

prize presentation area, i was inside the ballroom for the entire thing cos i was allocated to run around and collect the judge's results and pass it to someone to tally them.

these are latin dancers(paso doble, jive,chacha(YAY IM GNA LEARN IT SOON),samba and the most romantic, rumba). you can tell from the short,and quite bare, dresses. but its nothing indecent, not at all.

Champions of Latin Open category! yknow for ballroom you go from begginers to intermediate to novice THEN AMATUER and then the next level's PROFESSIONAL :/

thin line between amatuer and professional hahaha

they did the rumba it was reallyreallyreally good her costume was THE BOMB


there's always an afterparty after a party :D

our was at...ALOHA! we thought aloha loyang but it turned out to be aloha changi )): but nvermind at least i got to tickle old changi hospital hahaha i didnt even know i walked past it till after the trip.

we went in our glamour costumes and all, bathed, and five minutes later we were out on the open area jive-ing and sweating away.

then the guys and meiling came and we played Apples to Apples(ITS DAMN FUN) and ordered funkylooking pizza :/

the black stuff are mushrooms :/


and it was totally legal((: we're not some naughty kids k these are fully fledged drivers with THEIR OWN cars.

stopped over at the fences of changi airport(yknow those you see on tv where one of a pair of lovers will watch airplanes fly by, and at that moment the scene changes to inside the airplane where her/his partner sits? ya that fence. its very rusty.

in the car with the sunroof down! yea its not a limou but it was still woahhhhhh

mike loh clutching his boob for idontknowwhatreason. my jive partner for quite some time :D

the driver! my paso doble partner for almost every time.

then we went to some..jetty i cant remember what its called. changi jetty?

THATS A PLANE COMING STRAIGHT AT US. it went above our heads! we were awed. like seriously awed. until like four went by then we got bored.


from left to right: Kitt, meiling,yuenmei(we call her mei), grace(i really miss her!),carinlee,chevy(you NEED to see her tango)

in mei's words: we're having rocking fun :D

we decided on funny poses, somehow.

the next morning (:


then it was NUS Social And Ballroom dancing club's Dinner And Dance!
at Chjimes Upper Club.

Vadum NUS Tripudiu means "shall NUS dance?'

the tickets. mine's 008 though. and it won me the lucky draw :D

(haha no eric its not a book :P)

disco ball! though a small one

the tables on the other side of where we chose to sit

for the first time, general dancing's for couples, not an entire moshpit of people. the dancefloor's empty cos everyone wasnt here yet.



hungry much.

mini competiton!the lady in pink and her partner's our representative for the whole gang of us :D



the dancers! except for mike(extreme right)

couple 1

couple 2(except for mei) ohmygosh she does the BEST jive. and the guy's really tall like yaoming haha


couple 3!

couple 4!

yea and after that was just a hell lot of fun laughter peace and joy. more general dancing,food and photos. i had to dance barefoot twice cos they pushed me in but hell it was phun :P

yea we had damn alot of fun with edwin's scarf


tsktsk naughtynaughty mei

haha spot the experienced dancer and the not.

i love how the guys automatically lead the girls with their hands.

to end it off,the best photo of the night:

yup so thats what carinlee has been doing. lots more but i havent got the photos.



Anonymous said...'redamnskinny.ihateyou.youmakemefeelfat.rarrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

okay.. i finished hating you. =) miss you ncbf!

Anonymous said...

omg?! you so happening!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA i hide it all under big clothings jo. i actually only am skinny on my arms and legs shhh.

and tammychewxz this doesnt equate to happening haha i miss you guys!