Monday, February 4, 2008

oreos with milk

sounds good right now (: random blogging!

saturday left me a very satisfied girl, despite all the upturned smiles and heavy hearts.

4-3, one assist, thats all i need to make me happy. even if i played for less than 40 minutes(one half). makes me want to do more more more.

ate kfc after that, its been long zinger buddy :D im gna eat it again soon! no training = eat whatever you want.

dustbins are my best friend cos i can throw anything i want in it but still be able to open it and take a peek. but nope. no more peeks, not worth my time. i thought you were more than meets the eyes/ears but i was wrong. darn it. hahaha. FAY HOW.

say hello to Carin Unfitlee. >:( 2.4 tomorrow, i wanna at least maintain that 12 doubt i can but hohoho lets see i hope i do!

sometimes even i think im weird. I BLAME IT ON THE PEOPLE AROUND ME(especially my sis) i think it runs in the family.

when i reached home today my dad went 'why you never call me to pick you up!!!' then reluctantly passed a ten dollar note to my mum. and after that my mum went 'i thought 50bucks!'

haha they're such kids tsktsk.

10/50 for chem, 20/45 for econs, 6/20 for h1 maths. not too bad for someone who didnt study. hahaha BT1 will be much better i swear.

my new year resolution was to have NO MORE tick but so far i havent kept my promise. i will try though! verin fay must ah!but i think one day ill just go boom and ask him to back off. i think he'll be pretty pissed after that so must avoid if possible.

SLEEP! and shopping on wednesday for more stuff i cant wait for the concert i want it to be awesomeeeee! shu lai bao restaurant(halal ok) awaits!

the inter-jc rose thing's pretty cool (: i wish people wont see it as a popularity contest though, at least not to mine cos mine's filled with the love i couldnt shower upon you all the past year plus ok? <3

friendship week sounds quite cool im quite excited for it!

now i feel like bingeing on chocolates (:

i think ive got the 100-day cough! so cool does it really go away RIGHT after a hundred days?

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