Tuesday, January 15, 2008

to mingjiangCAKE.

cos he complains i dont update. i wanted to!had blog entries written in my head but i think taiwan kena-d some typhoon or some sort again cos my internet was screwing up. it's still screwed up now

today i stayed at home =D feels good. ate slept ate TIDIED MY BOOKSHELVE ate came online ate. see at least i was productive!

went to school yesterday, stayed through bio lect then took green slip back. sucha waste of time. but at least i got to go to the polyclinic to see the doc! i felt so bad cos my mum kept cutting queues for me :P next time when im a mum i hope im a nurse then i can cut queues for my girl too!

HAD TO TAKE A BLOOD TEST K ): cos the doc thought i had dengue )): ouch. even though she used a baby needle(cos my vein's tiny(cos i dont do housework according to her)) it was still traumatising ): lucky for me ive got a reason to not donate blood. (underweight (: )

i knew i didnt havedengue!(make me take the blood test for nothing >:( ) but it was so scary when i walked back into the doc's room he was like
:well carin...lucky we took a blood test today ah.

like omfgosh what happened to me. but in the end it was nothing serious (: what are lymphocytes and g-something g-somethings so cool next time if im a nurse i'll go see a doctor and like 'oh my __ levels are high that means ive _______ and i need to __________ to lower it in case ______' HAHAHHAHA.

now ive got quite a few pills to eat and i gotta watch the time to make sure i eat them at correct times. at least cough syrup tastes good. (dont call me weird my sis likes them too! it runs in the family shhhhhhh)

so..cross country tomorrow, dont know if im gna run. ive already been threatened by two people to get tied up if i try running thank you for your concern (: but ah we'll see.

thanks so much for caring for carin while she's sick (:


BAND CONCERT 27th jan! tickets for 12 bucks! GO OK.
MERIDIAN DANCE CONCERT 28th feb! 15/18 bucks! GO OK.

lots of other things i should be writing about but i forgot =/ stm heh. will do another day then. gnightt!

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