Friday, November 6, 2009


i remember writing an entry about being picture perfect. shall go dig it up.

just 1 hour around the hospital today and there's already something potentially lifechanging. gosh how are we to survive such a rollercoaster all our lives?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

i dont wna go to school ):

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

i really miss my boots.

other than that, school's going fine (:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


from athena:
RAG day is just a week away. i have no idea what to expect on that day except that it'll be my last chance to do that dance with 32 other dancers who i have been dancing with for the last one month plus. its coming to an end.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

how many people have i neglected

Friday, July 3, 2009

one sentence stories

When I was 5 or so my mom would tell me to lie down before she tied my tie and I just now realized at the age of 19 that she did this because she’s a funeral director.
My 8-year-old sister proudly declared that she knows that “WTF” means “Wow, That’s Funny” and has been using it all over the internet.
I held my father’s hand as he died in that hospital room and realized I’d never held his hand before that moment.
Today you shaved your hair into a mohawk to make my mom laugh over losing hers to chemo and today I realized that you are my hero.
When asked to name the one person absent from her life that she missed the most, she responded, “The person I hoped I’d be by this point in my life.”
I conduct job interviews for a living and nothing gives me a better sense of wielding karma than giving the job to the nervous kid instead of the better qualified arrogant prick.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

chasing pavements, somewhat

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


the Jane Austen Book Club, to me, is just a movie with a novel way of telling us humans are incomplete without a partner.

at least it got me wanting to readd

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

not anytime soon again

stomach's screaming for comfort food.

so you either drink enough to puke it all out, or you drink just enough to tickle your stomach.

the girls had their first game yesterday. they awed everyone with their plays. im sure they'll changed many views on girls soccer. unbelieveably inspiring.

it then led me to hink how come so many of us agreed theyve got something our batch didnt manage to achieve.

and i couldnt think of any logical answers.

then i thought again and this time i realised we've had our special things too.and specialness is uncomparable.

so as usual, blue sky soccer girls. continue to work hard and be that inspiration to so many other sport teams/team sajc. all the best girls.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

SENTOSA/ZOO soon k pleasepleaseplease

Friday, March 6, 2009

its...not enough. its...mediocre. its..its just not there and not fair.


no comments.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

time to blog.

loads of things have been happening.

r.i.p uncle mak. god bless.

dance. partnership's messy.

got through selections but there's another this sunday. and its very screwed up. on so many different levels i dont even know where to start. neverending argument.

dad's back on the plane to china

results rumoured to be out this fri but roxanne made plans with her classmates on thurs night.

yinhui really came for dance (:

dance. dance.


poly enrolment

uni enrolment?




Friday, February 13, 2009

friday the 13th, february the 14th.

i just wanted to say

i dont appreciate twofaced-ness ok? if its/he/she's not something/one you like/bother about/want to talk to/want to see then dont pretend.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


so i was reading all the blogs and realised...ive got very wise people around me! so i decided to share the love.

from mich:
I think it's all about learning to appreciate what you have and not taking things for granted. No doubt it is only human nature to keep wanting for more or for the best you can ever have, but why not stop to think about whatever things you're already blessed with ? That way we can all live our lives happier (:

from daeyeon:
well... finally i am entering and serving my country.feels kinda funny with my shaved head and all. but saw it coming, so not too is nt as if i woke up with a letter that was written"Shut the fuck up and enter camp by 5th Jan"

from rachyee(the wisest of all):
perspective of life changes every minute. what you see, what triggers that past memory that alters your outlook on things. mixed thoughts, words, even memories become a blur. every passing flash, a wake up scent, throws you back into that disarray.

the concrete feeling of not being whole. all the more you want to see for yourself what you are capable of.

there are days where we feel that our lives cannot get any better and there are days where we think the opposite. but life gets better no matter what and if you look on the bright side, things will be a-okay. so don't sweat it and always think of the future and how much better it can be. chill my friend! sometimes i get into that mood and i think "why did i do that?!" or "omg that was so embarrassing!" or whatever else we think when we are in the dumps. haha.

and finally, my sister. undescribable wisdom:
on a side but serious note,
dating violence is no laughing matter.
just look what happened to rihanna.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

the bad things just keep coming dont they

Friday, February 6, 2009


didnt see it in the headlines says: half of me wants it half of me doesnt
wuliao<> says: chey so easy
wuliao<> says: when u see the result.. only the side that wan to see open the eye lo.. open one of ur eye


first ever performance yesterday. SCREWED IT UP BIG TIME. endof story.

yay roxanne and yinhui are joining me for samba waltz! :D :D

im glad all the army boys came out of the jungle safe (:

no more busking ):

screwed up body clock AGAIN ):

tuitioning a pri 2 boy with three cats. supre cute. both the boy and the cats. ONE OF THEM RESPONDS TO ITS NAME MYGOSH! i didnt know cats responded to their owner's call.

my life is pretty much empty now, save for dance. time to exercise!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


phone died ):

used dad's one.

found out after he left for china that he gave me the wrong charger.

omg O2

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

emo emu

i found half a caterpillar in my dumpling soup today. its the grossest thing ive ever fucking seen.


i'd like to sit back and wait since we're still young. but what if i end up like those old women on tv who go 'but now im 50 and there's nothing left that i can do'.

happy cny! love your siblings now cos when you're older you're probably only gna meet them during festivals like this


Thursday, January 22, 2009

wonderful tonight

so i was looking through facebook photos and i saw, how extraodinary everyone's lives were

band dinners, wall painting, band outings, secret private outings, working days, night outings, day outings, having fun, serve, school days, school trainings, birthdya parties, personal messages, different photos,

and how much am i missing

i came home at 1.40 tonight and all the cny decorations were up, and i realised, i didnt even get to help decorate the house this year. what did mummy do today what time did she come home from work? how come the clock's back o nthe wall where did she bring it to have it fixed? what did beth cook for dinner today, how did she cook it? did she do any washing? did miko have fun or was he just sleeping or being his normal greedy self?

and all i did, was go to a school i can only wish to step into and have a life in, to dance, to attract stupid attention, to get my steps right my legs right my feelings right, to help, to have fun. then i went over to mei's house to doll up to at least look presentable to go to zouk to watch other people dance and look at them perform and wonder how they feel, then walk around looking for supper and finally finding it with someone in the east somewhere in the east.

and then coming home to realise all this.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


tonight, tmr, and the days after i will be oblivious to the world. no matter how long it takes

Monday, January 12, 2009


some songs struck chords in your heart and makes you all tingly and squeezy inside,

and this is one of them for me.

Monday, January 5, 2009


9th jan, 9plus pm, lets hope none of us gets heat stroke.

i miss you all very very much.

to all the guys whose enlistment im gna miss, HAVE FUN K. and please take care of yourselves im quite sure your medic isnt the most gentle(gentlest?!) person. (: i will miss your freedom almost as much as you miss yours. and i pray your bunkmates are all straight.

once in a lifetime, unforgettable thing. dont blink!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

ni hao!

wo xien zai zhai zhong guo! HEN LENG! wo cha yi dian jiu dong si le. *yao tou*

dan wo jue de wo you yi dian fei le :D chong di yi tian lai dao zhe li, wo yi zhi zai chi. YAY.

dan wo hao xiang shen bing le ): di er tian, wo xie du zhi. xie le SI tian omg. ran hou du zhi hao le, wo jiu kai shi ke shou. ke dao xian zai. ke lian ma ):

wo chong xingqi liu dao xingqi yi zai tianjin, she me dou mei you zhuo. zhi you chi he qu guang jie.

ran hou wo men jiu ta le HUO CHE! 15 ge xiao shi! ke shi wo shui bu liao. ying wei yi zhi xie du zhi. wo hai tu le liang chi ):

xingqi er wo men jiu dao le haerbin. zai na bien wo men you ge dao you. ta jiu dai le wo men qu yabuli(yi ge di fang). zai na bien wo men hua xue! hua le liang tien, jiu hui dao haerbin, chi le wan can, jiu you shang le huo che. yu 15 ge xiao shi.

xien zai jiu yi jing she xingqi LIU! hao kuai. wo jiu zai wo baba(papa o.O?!) de jia. mei shi zhuo, jiu shang wang. :D


wo xingqi WU jiu hui hui lai leeeeeeeeeee :D

ni men you mei you yao mai de dong xi? wo zai zhe li mei you hao de dong xi mai hui gei ni men! ): bu zhi dao mai she me hui lai hao. qiao ge li? er huan? baobao?

oh oh! dui le! XING NIAN KUAI LE! wo xi wang ni men guo de hen hao :D wo jiu mei you qing zhu. ying wei wo men zai jiu dian li, baba(papa) mama yao wo men shui jiao yingwei mingtian yao qi lai hua xue. )):

yi jing shi erlinglingjiu le! hen kuai! bu zhi bu jue yi nian jiu guo qu le. tai kuai le. *yao tou* wo xi wang zhe nian hui she yi ge hao nian ((:

hao le, wo lei le. dan hai yao qu chi wan can. ni men bao zhong! wo xiang nian ni men! ai niiiii mennnnn